Hesthammer grid

A computational (spreadsheet) and graphical method of constraining possible structural bedding orientations from a knowledge of maximum apparent dip recognised within an un-orientated core and the hole orientation from which it was taken.  It follows from:


Maximum apparent dip = f (hole deviation, hole inclination, bedding dip, bedding dip azimuth)


If we know hole deviation and hole inclination, by varying bedding dip (0º-90º) and bedding azimuth (0º-360º) within a spreadsheet, a grid of potential solutions for apparent bedding dip can be derived.  These are then compared with apparent bedding data from cores, and potential combinations of bedding dip and bedding azimuth identified.  It is the numerical equivalent of rotating a line around a fixed axis on a stereonet to generate a cone that forms a small circle on the stereogram.


HESTHAMMER, J.  1998.  Integrated use of well data for structural control of seismic interpretation.  Petroleum Geoscience, 4, 97-109.



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